
Odds and Ends

FOR SALE:  VENTRILOQUIST MISC. LOT of clippings, flyers, newspaper articles; Check this list - you receive everything listed:
1)"Cowboy Eddie" Howie Olson (12/4/1984) Capital Times article with 2 pics (photo copy)
2)Peter Rich with Rawhide 8.5 x 11 flyer with picture of a young Peter Rich
3)Steve Hart, 2 page copy of an article from the Chicago Tribune (date unknown)
4)Two ventriloquists featured in an article from 4/24/1983 St. Paul Dispatch: David Sleeper and Wally Leslie. Original page from paper)
5)Prudential ad copy from 1991 featuring a photo of a very young Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy.
6)Jeff Dunham and Peanut are featured in The Boston Globe, Names & Faces, 3/25/1993 (Original)
7)Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop were first page feature of this 12/18/1991 Wall Street Journal announcing their return to TV (complete issue of newspaper)
8)Jeff Dunham, Peanut and Walter were announced for their upcoming Show at Nick's Comedy Shop in this 3/26/1983 issue of The Boston Phoenix. (Original)
9)Todd Oliver and Joey's full color photo announcing their appearance at a local school was front page news of the 3/22/1990 Community section of The Star Tribune (original)
10)Paul Winchell (2 photos) was featured in 3/16/1983 issue of St. Paul Press in an article titles, "Ventriloquist Gives Voice to His Religion".
11)James Wedgewood with Patrick McWiggens were pictured in7/14/1986 Richfield Sun-Current announcing their appearance at a local library. (Original newspaper page)
12)A very young Todd Oliver is part of a ventriloquist feature, 2/4/1986 St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch. (Original newspaper Extra section)
13)The New York Times, 10/30/1993 front page had a photo feature about Officer and ventriloquist BOB GEARY and dummy working their beat together on the streets of San Francisco. (Original paper)

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