
Encouraging words

Some weeks ago I wrote about a reader who was trying to replace a vent figure lost in a house fire. Another reader sends this letter:

"Dear Stacy, I too lost my first vent Danny to a house fire* while serving as a missionary in Brazil. I know how hard it is to lose a vent figure but let me say this, trust God and if He has not finished with you and your talent He will provide you another 'vent' to continue this ministry of reaching other children for Jesus. I know this to be a fact because children from the various churches where Danny had been through the years started sending offerings which allowed me to purchase DJ who is continuing to tell Bible stories both in Brazil and the USA. Just remember and trust Matthew 21:22, 'And whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive'. May God bless you as you use your new vent to share the Gospel message with others." Jerry L. Lantz, Missionary to Brazil

* See "Lost by Fire" blog post for 9-18-2009.

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